I like to think I cover the entire political spectrum in my personal life. I’m a socialist. Always have been, always will be. So I vote conservative. My values are truly, always, only liberal (small ‘l’) but could never ever vote Liberal (big ‘L’) because they’re hapless tossers and useless anti-semites. I’m a dictator at home, but only when my wife tells me to be so. And I’m a fascist on the roads. Sadly, without the military support I need to enforce my will and remove every speed camera in the land and dump them in the garden of the bastard who invented them. And I worked, many years ago, on a kibbutz, the only viable demonstration of actually working communism on a micro-scale. Where you’re valued only by the work you do and how you do it.

So I think that takes us from the ultra-violet to the infra-red of the political world.

And I still can’t understand Jeremy fucking Corbyn and his acolytes. Because they are hard left socialists/almost communists. And yet their ideal political models are the systems used in Russia and Iran. Mainly because Corbyn is an anti-democrat.

Never mind the deep involvement with the IRA, that in itself is bizarre. In a ‘why would any political party support terrorism and the inevitable resultant deaths of innocent people?’ kind of way. And their constant defence of ISIS and any kind of Islamic fundamentalism murderous insanity on the grounds that you reap what you sew and England and America did it when they invaded the middle east.

Which is further reasoning (in a ‘fucked up’ kind of way) for the New Left to hate America and, yes, England too. ‘IMPERIALISTS!!!’ they shout. Yeah, you wouldn’t want that when you can instead be like Russia, China or North Korea. That’s the aspiration. The dream. Ahhhhh, to be free of democracy, to be free of… errr… of human rights, of free speech, of normality.

Instead you gain the freedom to lock people up forever and if necessary, just kill them, the freedom to control the press, the courts (if you decide to keep them) and the freedom to instate secret police to ensure that everyone agrees with you or just ‘disappears’ (see ‘lock up and kill’ above).

You also get even more corruption than we have now. We get mps over-claiming on their Uber bill. Over there you get national sell-offs creating billionaires, oligarchs and exceptionally rich party leaders. Communist party leaders.

So please tell me how extending socialism to the left creates the worst kind of totalitarianism. And how that’s a good thing.

Happy Saturday

A xxxx